About Temperature Metrology

How long does it take to finish the calibration of thermometers?

The lead time is two to three weeks depending on the temperature range of the instrument and the required number of temperature points.

Do you sell temperature measuring instruments?

The NML is not engaged in selling any measuring instrument.

What types of temperature measuring instruments are calibrated at NML?

NML provides calibration of Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers (IPRT), Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers, Digital thermometers, Bi-Metal Thermometers, Wall Thermometers and Refrigerator Thermometers

What is the temperature range that the NML is capable of?

NML can calibrate temperature measuring instruments from -30C to 250C

Does the Thermometry Standards Section of NML have any accreditation?

The calibration of temperature measuring instruments performed by NML is accredited by the German Accreditation Body, DAkkS under the terms of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard. See scope of accreditation granted by DAkkS.