Consultation Workshop on the Verification, Inspection and Sealing of Fuel Dispensers

The NML hosted a one day consultation workshop on the verification and sealing of fuel dispensers on August 2, 2013 at the Metrology conference room. This is one of the series of joint activities that aims to strengthen the national metrology infrastructure of the Philippines. Resource speakers from NML, Mr. Michael Solis and Mr. Marco Latosa and Asst. Director from OIMB, DOE, Rodela Romero  delivered presentations. Participants from the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) were well represented, together with the NMB secretariat,  NML staff and chief, Ms. Aurora Kimura and ITDI Director, Dr. Nuna E. Almanzor.  With its endeavor to protect the Filipino consumer, having established and clarified responsibilities, in addition to knowledge transfer through consultancies, the workshop is successful in obtaining cooperation and commitment from each of the participating agencies.